January Annoucements

THANK YOU to all who attended our Fellowship Dinner last Sunday. The Confirmation students raised $477.00 toward the cost of the retreat that they will be attending in March.

CONGREGATIONAL QUESTIONNAIRE: Everyone should have received a questionnaire along with your bulletin this morning. Fill it out during coffee this morning and turn it in to Kevin Jacobson or the church office.

CONGREGATIONAL DISCUSSIONS: Congregational President Kevin Jacobson is inviting the congregation to join him in several informal meetings over the next few months for the purpose of gathering thoughts and ideas as to the future of the congregation in this rapidly changing world. Our next discussion will be during Fellowship Coffee on Sunday, January 28.

COMMITTEE AND BOARD REPORTS for the Annual Report are due now.

LAUGH YOUR WAY TO A BETTER MARRIAGE: This four week DVD study will begin at 5:00 PM tonight.  Anyone who is married or planning to be married will benefit from this very informative (and also hilarious) study.

TUESDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will begin a new six-week study based on the book Aha by Kyle Idleman. Join us for good discussion and fellowship at 10:00 am.

SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER MINISTRY in the Fellowship Room is once again available to all. We encourage everyone to bring their prayer needs to our prayer team.

HELP NEEDED: We need people to be part of an Altar Guild, taking a turn at preparing for Holy Communion and caring for and changing the altar paraments. We also need people willing to prayer walk in our schools and around our communities. We need people willing to raise up prayer on a daily basis for children in our schools and daycare and for all those in our world in need. We need people willing to visit our shut-ins and nursing home residents.

IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED A POINSETTIA, please feel free to take it home with you.

“LOOSE CHANGE TO LOOSEN CHAINS: Our 7th grade confirmands are collecting loose change to benefit victims of human trafficking. All proceeds go toward the work of the International Justice Mission. They have set a goal of $3000.00. So far they have collected $292.64.

BETHANY’S 125TH ANNIVERSARY will be in 2018. The Church Council is looking for people who feel called to participate in the planning of an anniversary celebration. Since the church was organized on September 15, 1893, we are planning to celebrate on the weekend of September 15-16, 2018. Please talk to Pastor Kathy if you are interested in being a part of the planning team.

TOTAL BUDGET FOR 2017:     $176,600.00