June 2022 Announcements

LOGAN HUNTRODS WILL BE CONFIRMED on Sunday, June 26. Dinner and public examination will be held at 5:00 pm on Saturday, June 25. Please let Pastor Kathy know if you plan to attend.


BREAD MINISTRY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Thank you to all who help make this ministry possible over the past six years. WE NO LONGER NEED PLASTIC BAGS. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY MORE BAGS TO THE CHURCH.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WILL BE HELD JULY 10-14. Mark your calendars. Come and bring a friend. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex if you plan to come. If you plan to bring friends, we need to know in advance so that we have adequate supplies.

MISSION MEXICO INTERNATIONAL, led by Pastor Enrique Estrada, is looking for donations to fund their Vacation Bible School program. They will be celebrating VBS this summer in the states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Jalisco and Nayarit among the Huichol Tribe. They need funds to purchase printed materials and craft supplies for at least 250 children. If you’d like to make a donation, please make your check out to Bethany and designate it for MMI.

THE HOME OF HOPE IS SEEKING DONATIONS to be used to provide for the refugees that they are caring for in Tartu. Please make donation checks out to Bethany and designate for Home of Hope. Brochures providing updates are available on the table in the narthex.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY IS NOW MEETING AT 10:00 AM ON WEDNESDAY MORNINGS. This is a change. All women are invited to join us as we study the Bible and enjoy fellowship.

OUR DAILY BREAD for June-August is available on the table in the narthex. Please help yourself.

PORTALS OF PRAYER for July -September are available on the table in the narthex. Please help yourself.

FELLOWSHIP COFFEE SERVERS NEEDED: A sign-up sheet has been provided in the narthex for individuals or families to sign up to provide and serve snacks for Fellowship Coffee.

SUNDAY NIGHT MEN’S BIBLE STUDY:  All men of the congregation are invited to join in at 7:00 PM on Sunday evenings.

OUR DAYCARE IS HIRING: We are looking for part-time staff, as well as substitute staff. We will also need additional staff during the summer months when we have school age children.

Volunteers who would like to help are also welcome: it would help our staff greatly if we had volunteers willing to come in for an hour or more just to rock babies or read stories to children. Talk to Pastor Kathy if you are interested.

WHILE WE ARE NOT YET ASSIGNING FELLOWSHIP COFFEE DUTIES anyone who would like to bring homemade baked goods or snacks is welcome and invited to do so. Please sign up for at the table in the narthex.

SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY continues. Everyone is invited to join us at 8:00 am as we study Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church.

CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY BAGS ARE ONCE AGAIN AVAILABLE in the narthex. Bags hanging up have been sanitized. When you return bags that have been used, please place them in the box.