March 2019 Announcements


LENTEN SERVICES will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 PM each Wednesday during Lent. Join us as we explore how to grow in our communication with God. We will be joined by Pastor Tom Poppe and our brothers and sisters from the McCallsburg Presbyterian Church and Bethel United Methodist Church.

AMERICAN LEGION FISH & CHICKEN DINNER will be held at the Legion Hall March 10.

OUR DAILY BREAD devotional booklets for March-May are available on the table in the narthex.

BIBLE CHALLENGE: Be reading Genesis 1-12 as we prepare for our next Bible Challenge. DATE CHANGE FOR THIS CHALLENGE—WE’LL BE COMPETING ON SUNDAY, APRIL 7.

NEEDED: One or two volunteers are needed to oversee the church library. If God is calling you to do this, please talk to Pastor Kathy.

NEEDED: One or two volunteers to oversee the church kitchen: keep track of supplies, check refrigerators for food that should be discarded, organize periodic cleaning. If God is calling you to do this, please talk to Pastor Kath.

THURSDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY began a new  DVD study this week based on the book “God Is Closer Than you Think” by John Ortberg. As we go through this six week study, we’ll learn how to better enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with our heavenly Father. All women in the congregation are welcome and encouraged to join us at 10:00 AM on Thursday mornings. Come and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another.

SUNDAY NIGHT MEN are currently studying Kyle Idleman’s Easter Experience. All men are welcome to join them at 7:00 PM.

SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER MINISTERS will gather in the Fellowship Room for a time of prayer following our worship service this morning. If you are presently involved in our prayer ministry, or if you would like to be, join us. Anyone in need of prayer is encouraged to come and receive.

“LOOSE CHANGE TO LOOSEN CHAINS: Our 8th grade confirmands are collecting loose change to benefit victims of human trafficking. All proceeds go toward the work of the International Justice Mission. They have set a goal of $3000.00. So far they have collected $2,029.35.

WINGS OF REFUGE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN continues; donations may be made payable to Bethany. Our goal is $4,000.00. To date, we have collected $2,865.00.ALUMINUM CAN TABS continue to be collected. Tabs go to the Rochester, Minnesota, Ronald McDonald House, where they benefit the families of seriously ill children hospitalized at Mayo.


March 10: Bob & Robin Thomas, Larry Ellingson, Kevin & Janie  Nessa

March 17: Heather & Shane Voelker, Merle Olson, Sherilyn Jensen

March 24: Pam & Mark Hendrick, Brandon & Karissa Hendrick

March 31: Luther League

April 7: Congregational Dinner