November Announcements


NOVEMBER MISSION COLLECTION: Throughout the month of October, we’ll be collecting mittens, gloves, scarves and hats for all ages. Bring your donations to the church and place them in the collection box in the narthex. They will be distributed to those in need at the Bridge Home in Ames.

PIE AUCTION WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, during Fellowship Coffee. Sponsored by the Mission Committee.

HARVEST SUNDAY is next week, November 20.

FISH & CHICKEN DINNER TODAY, NOVEMBER 13, at the McCallsburg American Legion Hall. Serving from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm; free will donation.

THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE will be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, November 23.

OUR DAILY BREAD DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS for December, January and February are available on the table in the narthex.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER CONNECTIONS MAGAZINE is available on the table in the narthex. This issue begins a series on Biblical Time Periods. Beginning in this issue with Pre-History, including Creation and fall, the series will continue to move readers forward in
Biblical history over the next two years.

OUR KUMLA DINNER & HARVEST SALE is scheduled for Sunday, December 4. Be thinking about how you would like to participate and what you might donate to the sale.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR INDIVIDUALS WILLING TO LEARN TO RUN OUR SOUND/VIDEO SYSTEM. If God has gifted you with a skill for technology, please talk to Mark Thomas or Brad Becker to see how you can help. Brad has offered to teach a class to anyone interested in learning.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: It’s not too late to add a box to our collection. We will be blessing filled boxes next week and then they will be sent off to be distributed to children around the world.

OUR CHURCH BUILDING WILL REQUIRE TUCKPOINTING in the near future and the Trustees are inviting everyone to contribute to a fund that will pay for this essential project. Simply mark your donation “Tuckpointing”—we appreciate whatever you can do.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY IS NOW MEETING AT 10:00 AM ON WEDNESDAY MORNINGS. All women are invited to join us as we study the Bible and enjoy fellowship.

PORTALS OF PRAYER FOR OCTOBER – DECEMBER are available on the table in the narthex. Please help yourself.

FELLOWSHIP COFFEE SERVERS NEEDED: A sign-up sheet has been provided in the narthex for individuals or families to sign up to provide and serve snacks for Fellowship Coffee.

SUNDAY NIGHT MEN’S BIBLE STUDY:  All men of the congregation are invited to join in at 7:00 PM on Sunday evenings.

OUR DAYCARE HAS BOTH FULL AND PART-TIME OPENING FOR CHILDREN: Please contact Pastor Kathy if you are in need of daycare.

WHILE WE ARE NOT YET ASSIGNING FELLOWSHIP COFFEE DUTIES anyone who would like to bring homemade baked goods or snacks is welcome and invited to do so. Please sign up for at the table in the narthex.

ATTENTION MEMBERS: Offering income has been down the past several weeks leaving the General Fund nearing the red. Please prayerfully consider your weekly contributions to help bridge the gap in collections compared to our expenses.


Our security is not based on the size of our bank account. A pile of “stuff” is not going to provide what we need in life. Rather, our securing is based in Jesus. He always provides everything we need at the very time we need it. As the Apostle Paul explains: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). As we trust Him and adhere to Biblical instructions for managing finances, we can be confident He will always come through for us. (Greg Hanson in Motivated to Give)

 SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY continues. Everyone is invited to join us at 8:00 am as we study Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church.

CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY BAGS ARE AVAILABLE in the narthex. Bags hanging up have been sanitized. When you return bags that have been used, please place them in the box.