October Announcements

CONGREGATIONAL DINNER ON SUNDAY, OCT. 5: Join us for pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, chips, dessert.

CONSTITUTION REVIEW COMMITTEE is being formed. If you’d like to participate, please talk to committee chair Jim Rasmusson or Pastor Kathy.

FALL CLEAN-UP DAY will be Sunday, October 27.

IS GENESIS HISTORY? Join us at 5:30 tonight to view and discuss this important film.

PRAYER AND PIZZA: 6:00 PM on Monday, October 21.

OUR KUMLA DINNER AND HARVEST SALE will be here before you know it. Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 1, and start thinking about what you can contribute to the sale.

BIBLE CHALLENGE will take place on Sunday, October 13, focusing on Genesis chapters 12-23. Form your teams and prepare now.

WINGS OF REFUGE Beautiful You Woman’s Conference will be held from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm on Saturday, October 19, in the Iowa Falls-Alden High school Auditorium. Speakers are Traci McCausland, Maranatha Weeks, and Joy Fopma. Food, coffee, shopping and much more! Tickets are $35.00 in advance, $45.00 at the door, $20.00 for students. Tickets can be purchased online at wingsofrefugeia.net.

THE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER ISSUE OF CONNECTIONS is available on the table in the narthex. Pick one up and take it home and read it.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: It’s time to begin packing shoeboxes for this important mission. Boxes and other materials are available in the upper hallway.

GUITAR LESSONS WILL BE HELD ON THE 2ND & 4TH SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH immediately following Sunday School. 

OUR DAYCARE IS LOOKING FOR PART-TIME STAFF: Especially needed are afternoon workers, who can help from 2:00 – 6:00 PM. Please contact Ashley at the daycare if you’re interested.

PORTALS OF PRAYER for October-December are now available on the table in the narthex.

SERVING OUR CHURCH booklets for October 2019 – March 2020 are now available on the table in the narthex.

ATTENTION MEMBERS: Offering income is not keeping up with expenses. Our General Fund is currently in the red. Please prayerfully consider your weekly contributions to help us bridge the gap in collections as compared to expenses.

THE NEW CARILLON IS HERE. Memorial funds will cover a portion of the cost, but donations are currently being accepted; simply mark your check “Carillon Fund.”

CONFERENCE ROOM SIGN-UP: Our Conference Room is in high demand on Sunday mornings, so we’re asking you to sign up in the church office if you plan to use that room for a meeting or class to avoid conflicts. Reservations will be on a first come, first serve basis.

NEEDED: One or two volunteers are needed to oversee the church library. If God is calling you to do this, please talk to Pastor Kathy.

THURSDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY invites all women in the congregation to join us at 10:00 am on Thursday mornings. Come and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another.

SUNDAY NIGHT MEN would also welcome additional men to join them at 7:00 PM.

SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER MINISTERS will gather in the Fellowship Room for a time of prayer following our worship service this morning. If you are presently involved in our prayer ministry, or if you would like to be, join us. Anyone in need of prayer is encouraged to come and receive.

“LOOSE CHANGE TO LOOSEN CHAINS: Our confirmands are collecting loose change to benefit victims of human trafficking. All proceeds go toward the work of the International Justice Mission. They have set a goal of $3000.00. So far they have collected $3,020.03.

WINGS OF REFUGE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN continues; donations may be made payable to Bethany. Our goal is $4,000.00. To date, we have collected $3,180.00.

ALUMINUM CAN TABS continue to be collected. Tabs go to the Rochester, Minnesota, Ronald McDonald House, where they benefit the families of seriously ill children hospitalized at Mayo.